This past year i've been tottaly inspired,by many things with american fashion. Hopefully in a few years. this symbol will became the next big thing.
It's the signature to my clothing line.
Anywho. This blog art and fashion so back to it, not about myself.
This week i'm obsessed with Balenciaga 2007 spring. It's hard and modern. So Beautiful. It's just like if we had to live in 3007 and we had to wear gold plated armor, and glasses to block their lazer beam rays coming from their eyes.
So if there was a creature, that came for you at the end of the world what would you use to fight against it?
Oh,well i know what i'd use ( ;
and then my favorite weapon
.... anyway,...
last thing about designer things that kill. If i was to go to prison and on death row please let me die in this chair.
okay enough about death.
ack ack ack.
well that's all for now much love <3